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Altimeter 2-Year Bench Test
"The Alternator & How it Works" byy H.M Riddle
$ 17.33
10 Zener, diode, 1N5353A, !N 5353A NOS.
$ 11.38
111.975mhz Crystal, New .
$ 49.82
1953 US Military Jet Data Chart.
$ 21.33
1994 DS Golf Cars Club Car Service Manual.
$ 48.58
1996 ClubCar DS Golf Carts Gasoline Electric Parts Manual.
$ 34.52
1K ohm Miniature Trim Pots, 13 total.
$ 19.82
1N21D Microwave Diode.
$ 9.21
1N253, IN 253. 1N 253 Diode.
$ 29.38
2 BACD2B206A Diode .RECT 470V 10A SSDO 0430
$ 34.39
3 TE-connectivity 1-5226600-0 connectors.
$ 16.82
3, 1N337, 1N 337 Diode.
$ 16.21
35 New MS21042-06 Nut.
$ 21.38
59 Diodes, 1N4751 1N-4751 Diodes. NOS.
6.25" x 4.25 Panel Cut-Out Template.
$ 49.36
Actuator Assembly 106788B107 Overhaul Parts Manual.
$ 75.47
Aeroflot Tupolev Tu-134 & Ty-134A Crusty Technological instructions on chassis replacement booklet. Circa 1974.
$ 88.45
Aeroflot Tupolev Tu-134 Ty-134 Crusty "Technological instructions on Technical Service Booklet.
$ 98.45
Aircraft Interphone System CIIY-7 Technical & Operating Manual.
$ 88.24
Aviation Engine Carburetors Booklet covers Zenith U.S. 52, Stromberg, Holley, Injection. Circa 1938 Revised 1945.
$ 41.59